Select a manufacturer to suit your requested specifications.
Each manufacturer has a range of advantages and product features that it specializes in; TECO for horizontal motors, Hyosung for vertical, multi-pole motors, and Crompton for Indian specifications and explosion-proof motors. A suitable manufacturer will be selected according to the required specifications and an appropriate quotation created.
In addition to quotes, Toyu engineers are involved in designs and finding the causes of quality defects. Experienced designers who specialize in both the electrical and mechanical aspects of motor designs are more than capable of providing instructions to Asian motor manufacturers.
Deviation & Clarification List
Deviation Lists are essential for providing a quotation for your project. Expecting to receive adequate documentation from Asian manufacturers is sometimes simply too much to ask for.
Experienced engineers at Toyu carefully read over your specifications and make the necessary checks at manufacturing plants. Only then do they start compiling a list.
Toyu's native Chinese- and Korean-speaking staff communicate directly with plant staff.
Staff are in direct contact with staff at the manufacturer's plant regarding the design, checks of delivery schedule and negotiations for delivery. This ensures that the most accurate information is available and that the most appropriate action is always taken.
For OEM contracts, a delivery system has been established based on inventory management.
New orders usually take at least three months to process. If the size of the order remains relatively constant throughout the year, the entire delivery process, from when the order is placed to final delivery, is controlled centrally by Toyu, which enables quicker delivery.
After delivery
If quality defects in motors are found, Toyu repair shops are standing by to repair them as quickly as possible.
Service centers are located throughout Japan and after-sales service covers locations as far as New Zealand and Egypt.
While Toyu responds quickly to any quality defects or problems, every effort is made to prevent quality defects from occurring in the first place. After an order has been placed, quality defects are identified with manufacturers during the negotiation stage, and the services of a third party inspection company utilized if necessary.